Trains in Europe

Flying in Europe does not always mean the best way to travel. With proximity between European countries train option in most cases can be faster, greener and also cheaper. There are thousands of routes in Europe, where fast speed trains can get you to your destination in just a few hours. Or a couple of hours, literally. There are many reasons to choose trains in Europe over other means of transportation. Firstly, you arrive to the central train station of a city in most cases, which cuts down the time you would have spent on airport transfer, check-in, baggage drop and collection, security checks etc.

Other benefits of taking a train also include things like lower CO2 emissions per passenger in most cases, generally a lot less fuel is used to power the train ride, which, again, is more eco-friendly. And then also adding things like picturesque views of European landscapes from the window as opposed to staring at the clouds all the time, being able to make and receive phone calls, wi-fi and more legroom - it all adds up.

At the end of the day, flying is not for everybody. And quite a few passengers would prefer a relaxing drink on a train to 30,000 ft turbulence, that does happen at times. We are not discouraging people from flying, by no means, however getting a train when travelling within Europe makes a lot of sense and is worthwhile exploring. So, next time when you plan a trip, consider a train as an option. Airinme website will help you to find the best deal.

European railways: what train companies are there in Europe

Europe has spread across a lot of land with a number of countries: big and small. There are many train companies in Europe that help millions of commuters every day to reach their destinations. From German DB (stands for Deutsche Bahn), to French SNCF, Tren Italia, Italo, TGV, Eurostar or British LNER, connecting the South of the UK with the North. For more information on train operators and railways in Europe please check relevant pages of Airinme website, alternatively, please use the search function by choosing the departure and destination city, dates and the number of passengers. The rest will be done by our search engine. We will even show you alternative ways of getting to your destination, such as flights and buses in case you decide to fly or choose a cheaper bus option.

Speaking of European railways system, it’s worth a say, that it has been built in such a way to ensure convenient connections, commuting times and stations access. Speed is very important when travelling in Europe by train. No wonder why there are many fast speed trains operating between the most popular destinations and busy cities.

Cheap train tickets in Europe and where to book them

Below we have collated a few ideas on how to book cheap train tickets in Europe and save money. Simply follow our advice, book your travel hassle free and get packing! Europe is a fantastic place, best to be explored by train.

Train booking sites in Europe

The best way to book trains in Europe is certainly by making online reservations using relevant booking tools. Those can be the actual carriers websites or online travel agencies. Truth be told, the best fares are available online anyway, so why wait, start planning now by using our free and impartial search - we compare most options that are available out there.

Timing is key when booking trains in Europe

Typically in ground transportation industry and rail in particular a passenger can’t buy a train ticket far in advance. Absolute maximum is three months before departure. That said it is still advised that passengers should not delay and book at least 1 month in advance to get the best deal. It’s a common rule in the travel space to sell the cheapest fares early.

Consider those days to travel when trains are cheaper

You would be surprised, but in Europe train companies are competing with the airlines for the same passengers, hence the train ticket pricing has a lot of similarities with flights. To avoid overpaying for your train in Europe simply try to stay away from commuting on these days: Sunday, Monday, and Friday. Reason being - the majority of the business travellers are travelling across Europe those days and the demand is very high. As we know, huge demand and aggressive pricing go together hand-in-hand. So, choosing Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday will help you to save money.

Cheaper routes

A busy route between two biggest cities can also be an expensive one. So planning a trip with intermediate stations sometimes can cost less. You may have to spend more time on a train though.

Comparison helps

There are many different websites in Europe that can sell you train tickets, of course. We do recommend to compare deals first. Use services like Airinme, that are completely free of charge and are impartial. Search for your destination, pick up the best deal and book directly with no commission to pay.