All airports of the world

Browse through the comprehensive list of all airports of the world on this page. Airports of the world are displayed in alphabetical order and are easy to find, just choose the name you need to see all relevant information about the airport. We have collated data such as airport IATA codes, web addresses, telephone numbers, location and other useful information such as airlines that fly to and from a specific airport.

If you are planning a trip, it’s easy to search, compare and book flights from all airports on Airinme website. All you need to do - is to choose your departure airport by typing the name into the search bar, then add your arrival airport and travel dates. The rest will be done by our technology. Airinme is a simple web service that helps you to find the best deal to any airport of the world from any airport. We will show you the best deal in our search results page with direct links to the cheapest booking options. You can complete your booking on the provider’s website directly. We don’t charge any fees - our service is completely free to all customers.

List of all airports of the world