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Information about the airline Aeroflot

Airline IATA code: SU
Phone: +7 800 444 55 55
Fax: +7 495 784 71 42
Alliance: SkyTeam
Fleet: Airbus A319, Airbus A320, Airbus A321, Airbus A330-200, Airbus A330-300, Boeing 737-800, Boeing 777-300, Sukhoi Superjet-100

Aeroflot - Russian airlines

Aeroflot is Russia’s flagship carrier heading one of the largest airline groups in Europe. In 2015, Aeroflot carried 26.1 million passengers (39.4 million passengers as Aeroflot Group including subsidiaries Rossiya, Pobeda and Aurora).

A proud member of the SkyTeam global airline alliance, Aeroflot and its partners serve 1,057 destinations in 179 countries worldwide. Aeroflot Group’s own regular network consists of around 300 destinations in over 50 countries.

In 2016 Aeroflot has been awarded an official four-star quality and service ranking from the leading independent authority on airline quality, Skytrax. In 2015 Aeroflot was named the Best Airline in Eastern Europe for the fourth time in the renowned Skytax World Airline Awards and for the first time was ranked among top-10 airlines with Best Airline Cuisine according to Global Traveler.

Aeroflot is based in Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport and operates one of the youngest fleets in the world, numbering 168 Airbus, Boeing and Sukhoi Superjet 100 airliners.

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